Thursday, November 27, 2014

shanellbklyn: note-a-bear: gadaboutgreen: #Repost...




#Repost @nique_tha_gr8


If you were watching the #noindictment verdict being delivered, #ferguson protestors SILENTLY AND PEACEFULLY walked away. Thus, respecting The Family of Mike Brown’s wishes of having a peaceful protest. In contrast, building up to the verdict, police all over the country have armored trucks, extra paddy wagons, etc. waiting “just in case.” 😒😒😒 Now, who and what will YOU believe? Mass media that was anxiously chomping at the bit for “good tv” or #peacefulprotestors who are providing LIVE accounts of #ferguson? #justiceforMikeBrown #arrestDarrenWilson

moreover, there’s every reason to believe that some of the fires were initiated by the tear gas canisters (I saw at least one small fire start up after one was shot and just started spewing flames in a parking lot).

There was also minimal agitation in the crowd until the police started trying to corral people and box them in. at which point the police THEN issued dispersal orders (where you gonna disperse to when you’re boxed in by lines of police in riot gear). and THEN the police started firing rubber bullets and tear gas.

So let’s get this right:

Protestors stood and made their hurt known; they even tried to stop vandalism by agitators/anarchists/plants.

When they tried to march police BOXED. THEM. IN. and THEN delivered orders to disperse.

the police THEN started firing rubber bullets at close range, tear gas at head height hitting at least a few people and starting at least one fire

they fired tear gas into residential areas and at parked cars in strip mall lots

they didn’t show up when protestors were trying to report looting and vandalism because they were….?

Because I was listening to the scanner while watching two live streams and the news (yeah I know, sounds wild but hey gotta cover as much territory as possible) and the cops didn’t respond to any actual trouble. They only instigated violence between them and people who were protesting.


Although walking the news and live feeds on my dash I knew something wasn’t right and the police commissioner was lying! Everything this person is saying is how I felt!

Be alert they are trying to trick us to be even more segregated within our community! Don’t be fooled!

via my blog!

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