Tuesday, March 24, 2015

signs in sports anime

aries: wants to fight everyone. is usually the guy that the rest of the team needs to hold back bc they have no chill

taurus: senpai material who everyone secretly has a crush on (very beautiful)

gemini: comedic relief who gets hit in the face by the ball too many times

cancer: actual angel who probably finds cats they see on the street and smuggle them into class

leo: thoroughly convinced that they're the best, and probably very interested in the homosexual agenda

virgo: the bitchy one who always has something bitchy to say. probably doesn't care about u

libra: the mom friend that desperately tries to keep everything chill

scorpio: quiet at first but then you discover that they won't hesitate to kill a man if needed

sagittarius: very excited ball of sunshine and often hurts themself by accident in the process

capricorn: the serious one who everyone thinks is cool but is actually the biggest nerd in existence. probably lives off memes.

aquarius: the bro friend. the homie. successfully mastered the art of swag. will beat ur ass if u talk shit about them

pisces: the one that tries to act tough and has piercings and acts like a punk but is actually the biggest crybaby ever

via my blog! http://ift.tt/1GbrZT8

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