Wednesday, January 28, 2015

new tumblr update;



okay, so as some people can see ( and others can’t ) tumblr made a big change ( at least for me ) so i took the time to mess around & find out what the hell was happening.

this is how it looks like:


so let’s explore this new shit update tumblr made.


it’s really nice that we can update videos on text posts now, but we cannot put icons, for example in the middle of words !


due to this “amazing” and VERY necessary update, the xkit’s extensions are bugged, some of them don’t work, mainly the ones related to posts in general.

also, the messages… i have no idea how to make the text smaller there, it doesn’t have the same option as the text post so… the only solution i found is to put the small code AFTER you posted it.

via my blog!

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